
A collection of CAES resources, factsheets, and documents.

This report contains a roundup of news and highlights from CAES in 2022

2022 Annual Report cover Resources

2021 Annual Report cover Resources

Contact CAES Research Lab Manager (RLM) [email protected] for assistance. After you complete the form, submit to RLM.

Project planning, work control, and research execution at CAES follows a multi-step process: project proposal; work planning and safety envelope development; and research execution, feedback, and closeout. The CAES process will utilize a graded approach for approval of all work conducted at the CAES facility. In this approach, greater attention will be given to requests that represent greater hazards. For example, the assignment of a short-term project that requires the use of non-laboratory space for routine office activities could be simple, whereas a multi-year project using hazardous agents or novel processes would require greater scrutiny to ensure that the associated hazards can be adequately managed. The Principal Investigator (PI) will work with the CAES Research Laboratory Manager (RLM) and the CAES Safety Officer (CSO) to prepare documentation with an appropriate outline of the project and an overview of the hazards involved. The CAES Executive Board (EB) reviews and approves the work at CAES for mission alignment and overarching facility envelope.

This form is to be used for all equipment installations that are not directly linked to a project. If your equipment will support a project, use form CAES-047 CAES Project Proposal instead. Exceptions may apply to certain plug-and-play equipment. See the Research Lab Manager or CAES Safety Officer for assistance.

AML Fact Sheet Page 1 Resources

lab safety checklist Resources

Off hour lab access Resources

Stop work authority Page 1 Resources

Stop work action form Resources

2020 Annual Report

2020 Annual Report

2020 annual report photo Resources

CAES 2022 Annual Report

Thumbnail - 2022 Annual Report cover Resources

Short description - This report contains a roundup of news and highlights from CAES in 2022

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CAES Annual Report 2021

Thumbnail - 2021 Annual Report cover Resources

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CAES-047: Project Proposal

Short description - Contact CAES Research Lab Manager (RLM) [email protected] for assistance. After you complete the form, submit to RLM.

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CAES-046: Project Planning Work Control and Research Execution at CAES

Short description - Project planning, work control, and research execution at CAES follows a multi-step process: project proposal; work planning and safety envelope development; and research execution, feedback, and closeout. The CAES process will utilize a graded approach for approval of all work conducted at the CAES facility. In this approach, greater attention will be given to requests that represent greater hazards. For example, the assignment of a short-term project that requires the use of non-laboratory space for routine office activities could be simple, whereas a multi-year project using hazardous agents or novel processes would require greater scrutiny to ensure that the associated hazards can be adequately managed. The Principal Investigator (PI) will work with the CAES Research Laboratory Manager (RLM) and the CAES Safety Officer (CSO) to prepare documentation with an appropriate outline of the project and an overview of the hazards involved. The CAES Executive Board (EB) reviews and approves the work at CAES for mission alignment and overarching facility envelope.

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CAES-048: CAES Work Plan

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CAES-006: Request to Install Equipment

Short description - This form is to be used for all equipment installations that are not directly linked to a project. If your equipment will support a project, use form CAES-047 CAES Project Proposal instead. Exceptions may apply to certain plug-and-play equipment. See the Research Lab Manager or CAES Safety Officer for assistance.

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Advanced Materials Laboratory

Thumbnail - AML Fact Sheet Page 1 Resources

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CAES Laboratory Safety Inspection Checklist

Thumbnail - lab safety checklist Resources

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CAES Off-Hour Laboratory Access form

Thumbnail - Off hour lab access Resources

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Stop Work Authority Procedure

Thumbnail - Stop work authority Page 1 Resources

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Stop Work Action form

Thumbnail - Stop work action form Resources

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2020 Annual Report

Thumbnail - 2020 annual report photo Resources

Short description - 2020 Annual Report

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Energy Frontiers Challenge: Call for Proposals FY21

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Energy Frontiers Challenge: Application FY21

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CAES Menu and Definitions

Thumbnail - Plug into CAES Resources

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Workshop report template

Thumbnail - workshop report template Resources

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White paper template

Thumbnail - white paper template Resources

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Laboratory Orientation Checklist

Thumbnail - lab orientation checklist Resources

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The Case for CAES

Thumbnail - caseforcaes Resources

Short description - Why CAES?

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2019 Annual Report

Thumbnail - 2019 CAES Annual Report pdf Resources

Short description - 2019 CAES Annual Report

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How to plug in to CAES

Thumbnail - plugintocaesthumb Resources

Short description - This fact sheet contains information about resources available at CAES.

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2018 Annual Report

Thumbnail - 2018 Cover Resources

Short description - 2018 CAES Annual Report

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2019-2039 CAES Strategic Plan

Thumbnail - CAES Strategy Image Resources

Short description - CAES 20-year strategy

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2017 Annual Report

Thumbnail - 2017 Annual Report Resources

Short description - 2017 Annual Report

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2016 Annual Report

Thumbnail - 16 50455 2016 CAES Annual Report WEB Resources

Short description - 2016 CAES Annual Report

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Fact Sheet | Data Sciences

Thumbnail - data science fact sheet thumbnail 1 Resources

Short description - Data Sciences

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Fact Sheet | Adv. Mat. Lab

Short description - Advanced Materials Laboratory

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Video | EPI

Thumbnail - EPI EPRC Video Thumbnail Resources

Short description - EPI's 6th Annual Energy Policy Research Conf

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ID Energy Primer Feb 2016

Thumbnail - 2016.03.01 Idaho Energy Primer thumbnail Resources

Short description - ID Energy Primer Feb 2016

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VIDEO | Storing CO2

Thumbnail - buscheck flyer web Resources

Short description - SER Speaker Series Buscheck

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CAVE project aids search & rescue

Short description - CAVE project aids search & rescue

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Video | FORGE

Thumbnail - FORGE video thumbnail Resources

Short description - Scientists discuss the FORGE project.

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Logo Use & Branding Guide

Thumbnail - CAES Branding Guidlines Icon1 Resources

Short description - CAES logo usage rules

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Logo | Right, White

Thumbnail - CAES Logo Right White thumbnail Resources

Short description - Right, white

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Logo | Right, Blue

Thumbnail - CAES Logo Right Blue thumbnail Resources

Short description - Right, blue

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Logo | Right, Black

Thumbnail - CAES Logo Right Black thumbnail Resources

Short description - Right, black

This module does not have CSS ID custom-content

Logo | Left, white

Thumbnail - CAES Logo Left White thumbnail Resources

Short description - Left, white

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Logo | Left, Blue

Thumbnail - CAES Logo Left Blue thumbnail Resources

This module does not have CSS ID custom-content

Logo | Left Black

Thumbnail - CAES Logo Left Black thumbnail Resources

Short description - Left, black

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Fact Sheet | TAP Reactor

Thumbnail - tap reactor system for materials characterization Page 1 web Resources

Short description - TAP Reactor

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Fact Sheet | CAES Overview

Thumbnail - CAES overview fact sheet pdf Resources

Short description - CAES General

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FCL State & Local Govn’t

Thumbnail - 221x163 Fed Lab Consort ASCE 2015 SLGPub lg1 Resources

Short description - See p.10 for ASCE highlight

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Logo |Blue Centered

Thumbnail - CAES Solid Blue Resources

Short description - Blue, Centered

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Logo | White Centered

Thumbnail - CAES Solid White Resources

Short description - White, Centered

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Logo | Black Centered

Thumbnail - CAES Logo Centered Black thumbnail Resources

Short description - Black, Centered

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CAES Laboratory Safety Inspection Checklist

Thumbnail - Pen Paper Icon gray background Resources

Short description - CAES Laboratory Safety Inspection Checklist

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Chemical Management Plan

Thumbnail - Multi Paper Icon gray Resources

Short description - CAES-031 Chemical Management Plan

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Shipment of Rad Materials from CAES

Thumbnail - Pen Paper Icon gray background Resources

Short description - Shipment of Rad Materials from CAES

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Request for Approval of Rad Materials

Thumbnail - Pen Paper Icon gray background Resources

Short description - Request for Approval of Rad Materials

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Dosimeter Assignment Check Sheet

Thumbnail - open file with green bar paper gray Resources

Short description - Dosimeter Assignment Check Sheet

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Exposure History Form

Thumbnail - Pen Paper Icon gray background Resources

Short description - Exposure History Form

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Dosimetry Request

Short description - Dosimetry Request

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RSP 007 Instron Unit

Short description - RSP 007 Instron Unit

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RSP 006 Area Surveys/Contam Surveys

Short description - RSP 006 Area Surveys/Contam Surveys

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RSP 005 Decontamination Procedure

Short description - RSP 005 Decontamination Procedure

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RSP 004 Movement or Removal of Rad Materials

Short description - RSP 004 Movement or Removal of Rad Materials

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RSP-003 FIB Protocol

Short description - RSP 003 FIB Protocol Rev.2

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RSP 002 MaCS General Rad Practice

Short description - RSP 002 MaCS General Rad Practice

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RSP 001 CAES Generic Instrument

Short description - RSP 001 CAES Generic Instrument

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Rad Primer and Lab Orientation

Short description - Radiological Primer and Lab Orientation

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INL’s Dr. Podgorney FORGE Briefing

Short description - Dr. Podgorney explains FORGE

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Fluids Lab Virtual Tour

Short description - Virtual Tour

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RCL Virtual Tour

Short description - Virtual Tour

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AIL Virtual Tour

Short description - Virtual Tour

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MaCS Virtual Tour

Short description - Virtual Tour

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Virtual Tour | AML

Short description - Virtual Tour

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PowerPoint Template

Thumbnail - CAES ppt template Resources

Short description - PowerPoint template

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Video | Modeling and Simulation

Short description - Intern at Work

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Video | Heavy Vehicle Simulator

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Video | Nuclear Science & Engineering Core Capability

Short description - Podcast by UI Prof. Fatih Aydogan

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Fact Sheet | MaCS

Thumbnail - MaCS overview pic Resources

Short description - MaCS

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Fact Sheet | EGS

Short description - Enhance Geothermal Systems

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Fact Sheet | Applied Modeling and Visualization

Short description - Applied Modeling & Visualization

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Winter 2012 – Newsletter

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January 2010 – Newsletter

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Spring 2011 – Newsletter

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Summer 2011

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Winter 2011 – Newsletter

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Fall 2010 – Newsletter

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June 2010 – Newsletter

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CAES Event Planning Checklist

Short description - Checklist

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Chemical and Supply Order Form

Short description - Chemical & Supply Order Form

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Chemical Management Plan

Short description - Chem Management Plan

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Laboratory Manual

Short description - Laboratory Manual

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CAES Safety Committee

Short description - Safety Committee

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MaCS Service Request Form

Short description - MaCS Service Request Form

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Researcher Controlled Activity Template

Short description - Researcher Controlled Activity Template

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Video | CAVE

Short description - Computer Assisted Virtual Environment - CAVE

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Form 420.15 Non-DOE ISMS Infrastructure Worksheet

Short description - Non-DOE ISMS Infrastructure Worksheet

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ISU Haz Waste Policies and Procedure Manual

Short description - Manual

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CAES Lab Research FAQs

Short description - Lab Research FAQs

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Equipment Standard Operating Procedure

Short description - ESOP Template

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RPR 13

Thumbnail - RPR 13F pdf Resources

Short description - RPR 13

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Readiness Verification Checklist

Short description - Readiness Verification Checklist

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2015 Annual Report

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2014 Annual Report

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2013 Annual Report

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2012 Annual Report

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2011 Strategic Plan

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2011 Annual Report

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2010 Annual Report

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CAES 2022 Annual Report

This report contains a roundup of news and highlights from CAES in 2022

CAES-047: Project Proposal

Contact CAES Research Lab Manager (RLM) [email protected] for assistance. After you complete the form, submit to RLM.

CAES-046: Project Planning Work Control and Research Execution at CAES

Project planning, work control, and research execution at CAES follows a multi-step process: project proposal; work planning and safety envelope development; and research execution, feedback, and closeout. The CAES process will utilize a graded approach for approval of all work conducted at the CAES facility. In this approach, greater attention will be given to requests that represent greater hazards. For example, the assignment of a short-term project that requires the use of non-laboratory space for routine office activities could be simple, whereas a multi-year project using hazardous agents or novel processes would require greater scrutiny to ensure that the associated hazards can be adequately managed. The Principal Investigator (PI) will work with the CAES Research Laboratory Manager (RLM) and the CAES Safety Officer (CSO) to prepare documentation with an appropriate outline of the project and an overview of the hazards involved. The CAES Executive Board (EB) reviews and approves the work at CAES for mission alignment and overarching facility envelope.