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University of Idaho 2024 Seed Grant Recipients

University of Idaho 2024 Seed Grant Recipients

University of Idaho 2024 Seed Grant Recipients

University of Idaho (UI) is proud to announce the recipients of the 2024 UI-CAES Seed Funding Program. The program provides up to $10K to University of Idaho-led projects with the potential to garner additional, external funding. The funding total was $30K this year and comes from the UI Office of Research and Economic Development, where 25% of Facilities & Administration (F&A) funds from sponsored projects are returned to UI research institutes, including UI-CAES, to incentivize competitive research awards.

The seed grant priorities are to:

  • Support novel, energy-related research aligned with CAES focus areas
  • Support innovative outreach activities focused on energy-related issues
  • Provide seed funding for subsequent research proposal development
  • Fund graduate student (principally PhD student) energy research
  • Support pre-tenured faculty
  • Enhance collaboration with CAES institutions

Congratulations to the awardees:

  • Constantinos Kolias, Leveraging the Power of LLMs to Scale-up Intent-based Network Security Configuration, $7,000
  • Krishnan S Raja, Conversion of Oxides to Chlorides and Corrosion of SiC in FLiNaK, $8,000
  • John Shovic, Industrial Research Contracts for New Specialized Domain Areas for AI Analysis of Manufacturing Data, $2,000
  • Aleksandar Vakanski, Leveraging Vision-Language Models as Conversational Assistants in Nuclear Engineering, $7,000
  • Amin Mirkouei, Leveraging Vision-Language Models as Conversational Assistants in Nuclear Engineering, $7,000
  • Haiyan Zhao, a microgrant to support summer effort for recruiting two students, $2,000
  • Min Xian, Microscopic Image Labeling Using Artificial Intelligence (MILAI) for Recruiting Graduate Students, $2,000
Center for Advanced Energy Studies
CAES is a research and education consortium

that provides research capabilities, energy-related educational opportunities and industry assistance to fuel economic growth. The founding members are Idaho National Laboratory, Boise State University, Idaho State University and University of Idaho.

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Center for Advanced Energy Studies