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University of Idaho announces new funding program, names first recipients

University of Idaho announces new funding program, names first recipients

University of Idaho announces new funding program, names first recipients

University of Idaho announces new funding program, names first recipients

Seven projects have been awarded funding through the new UI-CAES Seed Funding Program that began in February. The program provides up to $10K to University of Idaho-led projects with the potential to garner additional, external funding. Its funding comes from the UI Office of Research and Economic Development, where 25% of Facilities & Administration (F&A) funds from sponsored projects are returned to UI research institutes, including UI-CAES, to incentivize competitive research awards. In launching the program, CAES Associate Director for UI John Russell said its priorities are to:

  • Support novel, energy-related research, aligned with CAES focus areas
  • Support innovative outreach activities focused on energy-related issues
  • Provide seed funding for subsequent research proposal development
  • Fund graduate student (principally PhD student) energy research
  • Support pre-tenure faculty
  • Enhance collaboration with CAES institutions

The following awards were announced in late February:

  • Assistant Professor Amin Mirkouei’s proposal, Collaborative Research: CyberTraining: Implementation: Medium: CyberTraining of Construction (CyCon) Research Workforce Through an Educational and Community Engagement Platform, received a $10K seed grant.
  • Professor Indrajit Charit’s project, Microstructural and Nanomechanical Characterization of Ion Irradiated Molybdenum Based Materials Joined via Pressure Resistance Welding, received a seed grant of $9,999.Professor Krishnan Raja’s proposal, Additive Manufacturing of Self-healing and Irradiation Resistant Components by High Pressure Cold Spray Technology, was awarded a $10K seed grant.
  • Assistant Professor Min Xian received a $10K seed grant for his proposal, Building Capabilities in Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) for Computational Models in Nuclear Materials Characterization.
  • Xian also was awarded a $4K micro grant for Summer Projects on AI-Enhanced Materials Characterization for Recruiting Graduate Students.
  • Assistant Professor Aleksandar Vakanski’s project, Active Learning Method for Predicting Creep-Fatigue Behavior of Nuclear Structural Materials, was awarded a $10K seed grant.
  • Associate Professor Haiyan Zhao’s proposal, Enhancing Advanced Materials and Chemistry Characterization via Acquisition of Mass Spectrometer, received a $10K seed grant.
Center for Advanced Energy Studies
CAES is a research and education consortium

that provides research capabilities, energy-related educational opportunities and industry assistance to fuel economic growth. The founding members are Idaho National Laboratory, Boise State University, Idaho State University and University of Idaho.

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Center for Advanced Energy Studies