Diverse group turns out for innovation workshop at CAES

Diverse group turns out for innovation workshop at CAES

More than 70 people attended a workshop at CAES designed to develop a roadmap for the pursuit of funding through the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Regional Innovation Engines program. The program catalyzes and fosters innovation ecosystems across the nation. It accomplishes this by providing up to 10 years of funding, as much as $160M, to each engine for the establishment and support of of diverse regional coalitions that engage in research and development, workforce development and the translation of innovation to society. A collaborative team from INL, Boise State University and CAES submitted a concept paper to NSF over the summer that was accepted, resulting in the workshop held at CAES. The workshop drew attendees from industry, academia, INL, local government and community organizations, and resulted in the formation of a comprehensive team charged with developing a full Phase 1 proposal to submit to NSF that could lead to the creation of an innovation engine based in eastern Idaho.

Center for Advanced Energy Studies
CAES is a research and education consortium

that provides research capabilities, energy-related educational opportunities and industry assistance to fuel economic growth. The founding members are Idaho National Laboratory, Boise State University, Idaho State University and University of Idaho.

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Center for Advanced Energy Studies