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Coping During COVID seminar series resumes

Coping During COVID seminar series resumes

The second session of the Coping During COVID seminar series, Coping During COVID: Nutrition Wellness Through Mindful Eating, featured ISU Sports Dietitian Natalie Christensen. Held in late May, the presentation addressed the ways in which nutrition is interwoven into every aspect of wellness and the ways we can be mindful about our food choices and relationships with food. Christensen discussed the factors that influence our food choices, including emotions, environment, culture, income, and health status. She also described the concept of mindful eating: being aware, without judgement, of what you are eating, why you are eating it and how it makes you feel. Christensen is a former athlete at ISU who consults others on the impact of nutrition on competitive performance. She provides nutrition education in a variety of settings and enjoys guiding athletes through challenges related to nutrition and performance.
The Coping During COVID seminar series is intended to help students, faculty, and researchers deal with the special circumstances surrounding the coronavirus pandemic, by leveraging expertise across the CAES community. More than 300 people have tuned in for the first two sessions: Coping During COVID: Nutrition Wellness through Mindful Eating and Coping During COVID: Mental Wellness in the Midst of a Pandemic. A third session, on virtual collaboration, is in the works.

Center for Advanced Energy Studies
CAES is a research and education consortium

that provides research capabilities, energy-related educational opportunities and industry assistance to fuel economic growth. The founding members are Idaho National Laboratory, Boise State University, Idaho State University and University of Idaho.

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Center for Advanced Energy Studies