Current News

Coping During COVID seminar series resumes

The second session of the Coping During COVID seminar series, Coping During COVID: Nutrition Wellness Through Mindful Eating, featured ISU Sports Dietitian Natalie Christensen. Held in late May, the presentation addressed the ways in which nutrition is interwoven into every aspect of wellness and the ways we can be mindful about our food choices and relationships with food. Christensen discussed the factors that influence our food choices, including emotions, environment, culture, income, and health status.

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CAES Researcher lands White House Fellowship

CAES resident Dakota Roberson was recently selected for the 2019-2020 Class of White House Fellows. Participants in the highly competitive program spend a year working as full-time, paid fellows to senior White House staff, Cabinet Secretaries, and other top-ranking government officials.

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Center for Advanced Energy Studies